We are passionate about providing sustainable off-grid energy solutions to communities around the world.
And we make it reliable & affordable.
Nishati Prime is a start-up that leverages recycled lithium batteries and refurbished solar panels, river and wind turbines, to create affordable and reliable off-grid energy power banks.This power is can be utilized for Productive use, Charging stations and Mini Grid Applications.
These power banks run various productive appliances, such as cold storage, water pumps, threshers, and milling machines, that can improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, manufacturers, hotels, schools, institutions, and microenterprises. Specialized productive use applications have emerged in specific value chains such as poultry, dairy, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia who are without grid connections.
Nishati Prime is focused on off-grid and unreliable grid connections which comprises more than 1 billion people mainly in Asia followed by Africa .Nishati Prime seeks to mitigate the impact of costly downtime caused by unreliable power sources , ultimately contributing to economic development and improved living standards in these underserved areas and most importantly address environmental sustainability, aligning with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. Our mission is unequivocal — to usher in a new era of reliable, sustainable, and affordable energy, liberating communities and businesses (in the unreliable grid /off grid ) shackled by the limitations of fossil fuel generators
Our products are designed to be user-friendly, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. They use solar energy as the main source of power and also it can be powered by wind or river turbine, and they have smart features that allow users to pay as they go using mobile money platforms. This way, we eliminate the upfront cost barrier and enable our customers to access energy services at their own pace and budget.
We offer two main products: the Home System Kit, a pre-paid power unit that provides domestic use for households, and the PULSE Pre-Paid Kit, a larger system that powers productive appliances for small businesses, farmers, schools, and other institutions.
The Solar Home System Kit is a compact device that consists of a solar panel, a battery, a controller, and four LED lights. It can also charge up to two mobile phones at a time. The system is easy to install and use, and it provides up to 12 hours of lighting per day. The system costs $50 upfront, and then the user pays $0.5 per day for 100 days using mobile money. After that, the system is unlocked and the user owns it permanently. The system has a warranty of two years and a lifespan of five years.
The PULSE Pre-Paid Kit is a larger device that consists of a solar panel, a battery, an inverter, and a smart meter. It can power various appliances such as refrigerators, water pumps, fans, TVs, radios, etc. depending on the size and power rating of the kit. The kit is suitable for small businesses, farmers, schools, and other institutions that need reliable and affordable energy for their productive activities. The kit costs $500 upfront, and then the user pays $2 per day for 250 days using mobile money. After that, the kit is unlocked and the user owns it permanently. The kit has a warranty of three years and a lifespan of seven years.
Our vision is to create a circular economy of energy, where we use recycled lithium batteries from electric vehicles. Our primary objective is to establish off-grid power solutions that transcend the limitations of unreliable grid connections. We aim to enhance energy security for households, farmers, manufacturers, and microenterprises throughout the entire value chain by offering affordable and sustainable off-grid energy solutions..